Stone jail

Fluvanna County courthouse

Woven bars

Spider Redux

Palmyra VA

Winter on the James River

Remains of Rivanna Aqueduct with current rail bridge in view

cliff face 2



Shredded Wheat for cows

Ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia vmnst11_1982

Pasture in Fluvanna Co.

Quetzal Kite festival


Ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia vmnst11_1978


Thread-waisted Wasp Ammophila sp vmnst11-a_2151

Quetzal Kite festival - Octopus kite

tree science-9364

20100703 - Daytime Swimming Only

White Heath Aster Symphyotrichum ericoides vmnst11_2030

Indian Choral Berry Symphoricarpos orbiculatus vmnst11_1990

Great day to be out on the lake

Dads across the lake

Striped Wintergreen Chimaphila maculata vmnst11_2030

112: #21 Cloudy Sky

James River - Columbia, VA