Back View of Fluvanna County (VA) Courthouse

Peeking around the clouds.

Stone jail

Fluvanna County courthouse

Woven bars

Palmyra VA

Morning Fog

Spider Redux

The truck is gone, but the dust remains.

Leaving there too soon

Creepy Trailer of the Fog

tree science-9364


Sunset Silhouette

Ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia vmnst11_1982

Ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia vmnst11_1978

Quetzal Kite festival - Octopus kite

Quetzal Kite festival

Striped Wintergreen Chimaphila maculata vmnst11_2030

White Heath Aster Symphyotrichum ericoides vmnst11_2030

Rivanna Connection Canal bed

Privet Ligustrum sp vmnst11_1951

Indian Goosegrass Eleusine indica vmnst11_2179

Plantain-leaved Pussytoes Antennaria plantaginifolia vmnst11_2036

Indian Coral Berry Symphoricarpos orbiculatus vmnst11_1961

Indian Coral Berry Symphoricarpos orbiculatus vmnst11_1990

moonlit waters

Sweet Everlasting (Rabbit Tobacco) Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium vmnst11_1975

False Nettle Boehmeria cylindrica vmnst11_2069