(0564) Leuchtblüten - Shiny blossoms

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?


Adam & Thunderbird | SONY ⍺7III & Sigma FE 1.4/50 Art

autumnal mood (10)

Mirror fun with a mirrorless | SONY ⍺7III & Sigma FE 1.4/50 Art

(0784) Bananenblatt - Banana leaf

The Pantomime

(0596) Verstrahlt - Contaminated by light

(1093) Ein Blick auf den Herbst - A view to autumn

(0377) Out of the dark, into the light

view from the tower

Bruchgraben, Oos, Baden-Baden, Germany

(0563) Rose und Lavendel - Rose and Lavender

yellow weather

(0699) Anderland - Otherland

(0603) Blume auf weissem Hintergrund - Flower on white background

(0069) Lichtspiel - Play of light

(0657) Lichtloch - Lighthole

Baden-Baden, view to the choir of the collegiate church

(0688) Unvollständig - Incomplete

Strolling around @ Baden-Baden 66

Strolling around @ Baden-Baden 67

(0907) Herbst in unseren Weinbergen - Autumn in our vineyards

Saat von Getreide

Strolling around @ Baden-Baden 68

Ad Rhenum senex pax

The Twilightzone

Winter Sunset at Burg Hohenbaden

Strolling around @ Baden-Baden 65

Ancient rocks

Walk to the waterfall

Flow Along

(0737) Schwarzwälder Herbst - Autumn at the Black Forest

Geroldsau Grobbach - VIII

Gertelbach (explore on March 9 2014 #8)


Gertelsbach Wasserfälle

Auf zum Himmel !