tree with a view

Arizona ~ Not All Desert

San Francisco Peaks

Pony, Melbourne

Picture in Picture ...

Another Fire Started by the Forest Service.

Flagstaff sunrise

V is for Volcanoes

Ancient Echoes

Boulder Colorado Flatirons and The Flagstaff Fire

Grand Canyon on a foggy day with SNOW

Flagstaff Hill View

Kachina Wetlands and San Francisco Peaks - Flagstaff, AZ

flagstaff worm-eye

Storm clouds over Hoover Dam

Alpenglow...Flagstaff Arizona

Monument Valley Sunset

Count Chocula

Impact Crater

West Fork Smokes

Slide Rock, Near Sedona

Sandstone Symphony

Revelation above the San Francisco Peaks

things jump out at me_8009585_01

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Grand Falls...maybe DSC_2182

Winter Color Wash

humphrey's under cover DSC_1598

From the Nightwatch

Going to Flagstaff, Indian Reservation....

The San Francisco Peaks Through the Seasons

May comes to Flagstaff, Arizona

San Francisco Peaks, Flagstaff AZ

Morning Cap


Buffalo Park

San Francisco Peaks

Layers of color

Grasslands at Wupatki

Lightning over Doney Park

I know where I'm meant to be

In The Active State of Calm, . . .