Hairy chaffhead or Deertongue

Rain Is Coming Through the Forest

Yellow meadowbeauty

Savanna view after recent burn

Kidneyleaf rosinweed

Kidneyleaf rosinweed

Chapman's fringed orchid

Rayless goldenrod

Wright Lake II - Apalachicola National Forest, Bristol, FL

Camel Lake-2

Hickory Landing - Apalachicola National Forest, Bristol, FL

Pineland False Sunflower

Wright Lake - Apalachicola National Forest, Bristol, FL

Hickory Landing, right side - Apalachicola National Forest, Bristol, FL

Reduced mowing on 65

Bald Cypress - Apalachicola National Forest, Bristol, FL

Pineland false sunflower

Rosy camphorweed

Roadside on CR 379, possible site 6

Camel Lake-3

ANF Savanna

Month of Growth

Mistflower, or Wild ageratum

9-28-08 Walter K & Taylor

Site 1 entrance (little did we know how wet it would get!)

Rayless sunflower