Ferryland Lighthouse KAP

On the Edge - Semipalmated Sandpiper

"Noise" in motion.

Ferryland Lighthouse

Ferryland Lighthouse II

Ferryland Picnic

Standing Tall

View from Ferryland Lighthouse

Boreal Chickadee - Juvenile

DSC_41741z Ferryland outer harbour island chain

DSC_41740z Ferryland seascape SE panorama islands

DSC_41733z Ferryland Inner harbour with Church

DSC_41742z Ferryland shoreline harbour panorama one

Time For A Custard

Ferryland Beauty

To the Lighthouse

Ferryland Lighthouse

Ferryland, NL

Ferryland Fence

Green and Blue

Newfoundland, Canada

Colony of Avalon

Addresses in Ferryland use the lowest possible postal codes in Canada, starting with A0A. It comes from the French name for the harbour, "Forillon," meaning "sticks out from the land."

Morning Fog (Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Gustavo Thomas © 2015)


Avalon - Ferryland (9)

Avalon - Ferryland (6)

Up the Coast


Ferryland Newfoundland

Ferryland Newfoundland

In a Sea of Dandelions

Avalon - Ferryland (17)

Ferryland Newfoundland