Repainting the Landscape

Is that summer?

191/365-2017 - Theme July: "2legs" or "more legs"

Milchstraße an der Eckertalsperre

Goslar street

Street view

Cloth/Textile - HMM!

church interior

Rotfuchs ; > > > Vielen Dank an alle, die sich die Zeit nehmen, meine Fotos anzusehen und zu kommentieren < < < > > > Interesting Thanks to everyone who takes the time to view, comment, and fave my photo. < < <

Evening Walk - Goslar, Germany

Mount Brocken lookout 3-D / CrossEye / Stereoscopy / HDR / Raw

Stiefmütterchen (Viola)

Don´t get too close to me - I'll stab you!

The grain is growing constantly and approaching the summer.

view into blue

Street view

Harz II

Autumn Creek Illustration

Autumn Creek Illustration Part II

Moonlight over Goslar

Harz Panorama

Woods lovely, dark and deep

Natur pur

After the Rain

22° Halo

Getting ready to rumble

The golden Clasp

Kalter Nebelwald

Frosty Sunrise over the mountains

V330.8 (250 009) - Goslar-Baßgeige

Every Leaf is a Flower


Ilsetal im Harz - Fary Tale

HSB 99 7232 + 8931 Wernigerode - Brocken - Brocken

Der Fels

Listening to Silence

Ilsetal im Harz - Flusslauf