A View to the Crossroads

Side View-Withers St Bridge

Before & After


The Crossroads Today

57ford, 56 or 57 olds, (2) 58 chevys

2007-Vicksburg Campaign-Champion Hill Battlefield

Rest in peace, Zoe. You were a good dog.

Poor Zoe doesn't like vet visits.

I FOUND EM... I need I had some die hard in Louisiana!! #muchLOVE #RiNGGOLD

@Regrann from @thevapingdragon - HEADS UP #VAPEFAM @Regrann from @lavapersclub - Today CASAA is issuing another National Call to Action to support a provision in the 2016 US Budget that will change the grandfather date for products newly deemed as tob

Country Squire

Lost Highway

Your Father's Oldsmobile

Roadside Apocalypse

Burnt Orange Impala

Going Nowhere Fast

Green Pontiac

3195 -Edward, MS

3196 -Edward, MS

3197 -Edward, MS

3198 -Edward, MS

Getting Smokey checked out. He's been peeing outside the litter box. So better to be safe than sorry.

Dr. Farr's shop kitty is really soft & very friendly. Petting her while waiting to get Tibby's ashes.

It's kinda cloudy and the windshield is pretty buggy, but we're on our way! Plus, we just filled up with diesel @ 2.29/gal. What a great start to the day! #ontheroadagain