everything's coming up roses..

銀色的月光 Silver moonlight

End of Times

The Outward Point

Golden Sunrise

USA Pennant Girl, California Ocean View


Mark Abbott Memorial Lighthouse | Santa Cruz

the out look is good!

the drops came round

A memory of light

Incoming! (Explored)

Sunset @ Nature Bridge State Beach

10 stop

Just a Wave

Seaswings | The Boardwalk

Capitola Dawn

Natural Bridges

View Different

Looking at You Looking at the View

burn baby

Natural Bridges State Beach

After the storm

Nature Bridge

Natural Bridges - Santa Cruz, California, USA

Devouring nature

I'm getting horrible weather this trip.

A foggy start 1

The music in my dreams

Archangel (EXPLORE #1 :)

Another Eve

Simple Sunrise - Capitola, California

the jagged edge

Flying into the sunset!

Natural Bridges!

starbursts and wave spray

never sun set

Finally Rain

5.6 Meadow Panorama


Santa Cruz

Birds on Fence