Princeton University Rockefeller College

Ghost of the Grasslands

Cosmos flower

Cruising Altitude

Head-on Harrier

Treetop Serenade

Chancellor Green Library


McCosh Hall Auditorium in August Light, Princeton University

Indigo Bunting (5 of 6) at Negri-Nepote Native Grassland Preserve of Franklin Township New Jersey

Choir Box, Princeton University Chapel

fighting to the last leaf

Field Sparrow

jersey swamp

reflections on a jersey canal

Cruising Low... and Cruising Large

Lewis Libarary HDR

Pale Beauty

It's just a jump to the left...

Franz Ludwig Catel - The Crater of Vesuvius with View of the Bay of Naples, 1841 at Princeton Art Museum Princeton NJ

Beauty: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail........ Griggstown Grasslands Preserve

The Mill Pond

Geese in the Mist

Autumn sun

Nor'easter 2.0, New Jersey

Bench in the Woods

Barn and Trees Study - Snow

Along the canal

The Race is on!

Farrington Dam



Outside of Princeton U graduate college

Mill House in the Rain

Lawrence Brook

Beaver Work

Helmetta Sunset

Kingston Mill House

Clearwing Hummingbird Moth on Bergamot at Negri-Nepote Native Grassland Preserve of Franklin Township New Jersey


Winter Farm