fighting to the last leaf
Field Sparrow
jersey swamp
Holder Hall
reflections on a jersey canal
7764 Newborn Promethea Moth
It's just a jump to the left...
Cruising Altitude
Beauty: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail........ Griggstown Grasslands Preserve
Trees in black and white
a Short-eared Glow
Alfred Sisley - River View, 1889 at Princeton Art Museum Princeton NJ
Day 128
Indigo Bunting (6 of 6) at Negri-Nepote Native Grassland Preserve of Franklin Township New Jersey
I'm [br][au]ck.
Cruising Low... and Cruising Large
Lewis Libarary HDR
Ghost of the Grasslands
Cosmos flower
The World Turned Upside Down
Elks Pine Woods
Off city limits
The Mill Pond
Geese in the Mist
Autumn sun
Nor'easter 2.0, New Jersey
Bench in the Woods
Barn and Trees Study - Snow
Along the canal
The Race is on!
Farrington Dam
Outside of Princeton U graduate college
Mill House in the Rain
Lawrence Brook
Beaver Work
Helmetta Sunset
Kingston Mill House
Clearwing Hummingbird Moth on Bergamot at Negri-Nepote Native Grassland Preserve of Franklin Township New Jersey