M-SUPGFD through Erskine, Minnesota

These Dunlins were spotted along with Sanderlings at Glacial Ridge NWR.

Birdwatchers on the trip to Glacial Ridge and Hamden Slough NWRs saw Stilt, Least, Semipalmated, Baird's, Pectoral, Spotted and White-rumped Sandpipers.

Fesitval of Birds particpants saw this Sora at Glacial Ridge NWR.

Participants at Glacial Ridge NWR saw Vesper, Lark, Savannah, Grasshopper, Song, Field, Chipping and Clay-colored Sparrows.

Sunset on Golden Pond with ducks in the foreground.

If anyone is starting to get sick of sunrises or sunsets, I'm sorry. (Sunrise over the football field this morning.)

But this picture and the last one didn't turn out too bad, actually. Especially when it looks better without a filter. #nofilter

Today is a PERFECT day for Rydelling. #naturesfirstgreen

Warroad Local Amongst Polk County's Rolling Farm Landscape

Red Fern Hill at Rydell Refuge.

Turtle ahead

American Bitern

American Bitern

Why yes, it was incredibly windy. But I don't care. I've been waiting all year to see some green at Rydell!

Sunset overlooking Erskine.

I didn't get out to Rydell fast enough tonight. The whole sky was just flooded with bright orange for a while.