Train Engine [color]

Pay Phone [Clara City, MN]

walking around Renville, MN: busses [M9]

walking around Renville, MN: main street [M8.2]

walking around Renville, MN: elevator [M9]

walking around Renville, MN: police department [M9]

the corner of Main & Center, Clara City, MN

Phonebooth [Clara City, MN]

walking around Renville, MN: Hardware Hank [M8.2]

City View Farm | #instagood #igers...

Clara City, MN [B&W]

Train Engine [B&W]

View From The Roof

Black (& white) Friday on the TC&W

Country Roads

Wintry Landscape

powerlines o'er the field

RRVW 2053 Wetlands Marsh

Long Road Ahead

HawkCreek (3)