Wurmlinger Kapelle [Explorer 2010-10-17]

Wurmlinger Chapel rising from Early-Autumn Morning Mist [Explored 2013-09-26]

Dark Age Cloister V

Calm ➔ ➔ ➔ ∀ ⇑

Little view - I

underneath the big green tree

Dark Age Cloister IV

On the way to work ... [Explored 2012-09-20]

Happy Xristmas Holidays - Tübingen Stiftskirche

The journey is the reward - II

Pfingsten // Pentecost: Wurmlinger Kapelle (Tübingen) [Explored 2012-05-20]

Neckarfront Tübingen und Stocherkahn - Neckarmauer

Tübingen - Sunset - effiart - Sonnenuntergang überm Horemer. Best of flickr. Canon PowerShot SX1 .

The journey is the reward - IV

Dark Age Cloister III

So sieht es der Vogel. Bird's View.

Early Autumn Morning Mist

Tropfen, droplets and old windows

Canon SX60 HS - rose hip natural - ver. 02 - sharper

Trauerweide in der Tübinger Platanenallee - im herbstlichen Stimmungshoch. Salix x sepulcralis . ON Explore, #56.

The journey is the reward - III

Herbst Reflexion

resampling the misty day - > onexplore <- P1480043


Tree - Landscape

Along the Nekar River

Spring Landscape

Bridge over calm Water

Little view - III

Spring Landscape

View between the trees

November - Landscape

Mach jeden einzelnen Tag zu Deinem Meisterstück

The Einsiedel in April - I

Variat Omnia Tempus

November Fog - Landscape

Spring Landscape

Rural Landscape - Heckengäu

November morning fog - Landscape

The Einsiedel in April - II