Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)

Bar-winged Skimmer (Libellula axilena)

Goodbye Bird

Late afternoon hiking view

Butterfly Sculpture

Crazy Eyes

Disston Sugar Mill Ruins - Present and Past

I love my view this afternoon. A little while longer and then my project list is calling.

Sometimes I have the best view out my window! Maybe I should head home before the rains start?!

This view. #dayofprayer

I think my neighbor is not inviting me to swim in his pool. Still, the view is nice.

Remington #3 view back at sunrise r

Little Blue Heron

Florida Indian Summer

Remington #2 view back at sunrise r

Water Hazard

The view from here

When the Sun Goes Down!

Sunset at East Lake

The view to Orlando

my backyard 3



Florida "mountains"




Cypress dome swamp perspective shot

Fish Lake, Osceola County, Fla.

Florida, Spring, 2014: Red Cloud Panorama


Painted Pony

St. Cloud FL Lake Front

No snow down here. #florida #lakehart #lh

New Year's Eve

Before the rain (2)


Enchanted forrest trial

Wings Over Orlando

Sunset on East Lake Toho