Long arms. (Brazos largos).

Florida Woodland Analog Serie # 4.

The Old Giant. (El Viejo Gigante).

Saint Cloud from over the clouds #aerial #perspective #window #vscox

Florida Indian Summer

Butterfly Sculpture

820 Indiana rear view

Snail Kite - Kaliga Park, Fl

820 Indiana side rear view

815 Florida Ave rear view

820 Indiana - street view

821 Ohio front left view

Old US192 / FL500 East Alignment - 3

Meade 8" with Solar Filter

View of Crabby Bill's From Dan Tarrell Memorial Point

The view to Orlando

821 Ohio St - street view

Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)

821 Ohio rear view

Sandhill Crane - Kaliga Park, Fl

Bar-winged Skimmer (Libellula axilena)

Trying to Break Through

Afternoon Cloudscape

Orlando, Florida: Moments Before The Storm

Sunset on East Lake Toho

Florida, Spring, 2014: Red Cloud Panorama

Lake Hart Canal

Out of Focus

Storm at the Pier

Tampa Prairie Clover (Dalea adenopoda)

St. Cloud FL Lake Front

Lovegrass (Eragrostis sp.)

Moss park

Battle of Narcoossee Mill 2015

Florida, Spring, 2014: East Lake Toho Dusk


Florida Gold

Storm Beyond the Lake

New Year's Eve

Spicebush Swallowtails (Papilio troilus) on Carolina Redroot (Lacnanthes caroliniana)