Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 01

Abandoned house interior...

Northern Wheatear - Warner, NH

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 23

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 32

Post road ride view...

My Favorite View of New London (Auto)

open bog eye, almost closed now

View from The Flying Goose Brewpub in New Hampshire.

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 34

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 07

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 11

winter's here!

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 10

pastoral view at The Fells

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 28

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 14

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 26

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 13

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 25

Large Maple Spanworm Moth (Prochoerodes lineola) - 15

Fall at Waterloo

Dalton Bridge

Kezar Lake

On the trail on Mt. Sunapee, NH.

Tranquil spot

Heart Seat

Brook 27

Kezar Lake

Sunny Sunapee #newhampshire

Brook 28

Bradley Lake

Unidentified blue wildflower - 6

They're getting ready to make snow...

Tall Grass

Mt. Kearsarge

Village Loop Bicycle Tour: 4.77 miles - 07

Brook 26

I never knew this place existed...

I'm looking forward to seeing this...

At the end of the drive (7)