Thursday walk 498: Karate (Subtractive Filter HSE)

(Harris shutter effect) Biking past

Fall on Campus

Today's view!!!

Oak Drive traffic (Subtractive filter HSE)

Thursday Walk 499 (3 of 3)

Bench with a view

Upper And Lower Views Of Upperville Falls

Oak Drive traffic (Harris Shutter Effect)

view from colgate university

Pantha Rhei - panning along Oak drive


Thursday walk 498: Karate (Harris Shutter Effect)

This is New York

Marsh Wren

2014 Haloween parade (3K x 5K view large)

Marsh Wren

Marsh Wren

Excell Road

the improved airport

the airport

Stream on Colgate campus

Inside looking out.

Morning light in Cush Hill woods.

Spokey Open Area of the Swamp

Colgate campus, Payne Creek

Along the Swamp

Ploughed Field in Upstate New York

Along the Skanateles Turnpike

Under The Bridge At Upperville Falls

Stream to the Pond

ASTR 312

Chenango Canal

Taylor Lake

Taylor Lake in Spring

West from Farm Tower

Colgate University, Hamilton NY

Recently Logged Woods

Recently Logged Woods

Fall at Colgate