The View

(Harris shutter effect) Biking past

Rain splashing in the gutter

(Harris shutter effect) Head into the sun

Thursday Walk 529: a fungal fiesta

Pantha Rhei - panning along Oak drive

TW554: Rainy way to School (Subtractive Filter HSE)

view from Persson steps

view from Persson steps

Oak Drive traffic (Subtractive filter HSE)

Midtown view

Bench with a view

New York City - Ferry - View of Manhattan 3

Colgate University campus from the west

Opera House


Manhattan view

Mittens the Destroyer

More photos about buildings and buses

Morning view

Thursday walk 498: Karate (Subtractive Filter HSE)

Stream to the Pond

Ploughed Field in Upstate New York

Stream on Colgate campus

Chenango Canal

Upstate New York, Water Management

Under The Bridge At Upperville Falls

Pratts Hollow NY

Stockbridge Falls

Moon setting


Autumn at Stockbridge Falls

Rotational grazing in Madison County, N.Y.

Lower Oriskany Falls


Time to check out.

Chenango Canal


Morning walk

Along the Skanateles Turnpike