Magic Saprophytes

Trees and a View to Mountains Beyond (Colorado Autumn)

Rocky Mountain High

High Water

The Greenest Green I've Ever Seen

Vail Ski Resort I

Beaver Creek Resort III

Into the Wild

Vibrant Colors of Aspens (Colorado Autumn)

Valley View

East switch at Minturn—2015


I Found It

Minturn yard—1985

Aspens and Evergreens on Top of a Cliff in Colorado

Yellows and Greens on a Hillside Outside Vail

Taking in the Gore Range at Piney Lake (Colorado Autumn)

A Golf Course Setting with Mountains All Around

Yellows, Greens and a Few Reds (Colorado Autumn)

A Backdrop of Mountain Along I-70

Escape from the Masses

Colorado: Rising Mist on Piney Lake.

D&RGW 5377 East in the Eagle River Canyon

Autumn colors. Vail, Colorado

Streaming cold

A Drive on FSR 700 (Colorado Autumn)

Vail Valley

Let Freedom Ring

Lost Lake

Back Country Road

The Meandering Piney River

Saplings In Snow

Capturing that moment of perceived timelessness and connection in the mountain cathedral

Piney Lake Alpenglow