Currents and Cowboys - Colorado River, Eagle County, Colorado
Dirtbiking Hardscrabble Mtn
Eagle River, Eagle, Colorado
Eastbound California Zephyr on its journey to Denver and Chicago
Where's the F-ing F-unit Day 2
Snaking Along the Colorado
BNSF Coal on the Dotsero Cutoff
UP MNYRO 19 Fading Fast Even Without The Fires
Amtrak #5 Dotsero Cut-Off
Eagle River, Eagle, Colorado
Red Mountainside on I-70 East of Eagle, Colorado
California Zephyr @ Dotsero Colorado
Storm Clouds 001
Dotsero Suspension Bridge
Eastbound Zephyr east of Dotsero, CO
Union Pacific MNYRO on the Dotsero Cutoff
Lightning this evening...
James Craig Bair Sheep Ranch Suspension Bridge Dotsero, Colorado;
Dotsero Bridge