GM&O Station, Dwight, Illinois

June 27, 2017

View of Meramec Barn

Sunbury NP scene north side

Illinois Central #9170 Pontiac, Illinois

Wabash F-Units, Scovel, Illinois

Conrail B23-7 #2813 near Dwight IL on 11/13/77

Filling station, Dwight, IL

June 27, 2017

Calm and dark

Wind Turbine

Illinois Road Trip 212

Giant Wind Turbines

Mobil Station along Route 66 in Odell, IL

Same shelf cloud

Giant Wind Turbine

Illinois Wind Turbines

Dwight Station

Giant Wind Turbine in Illinois

2011-02-26 12.11.16

Truck Stop

G.A.B.R. Basset Park

turbines at sunrise

Middle of nowhere / Middle of Everything

Meramec Caverns - Route 66

Conrail B23-7 #2813 near Dwight IL on 11/13/77

Windfarm, Odell, Illinois

Compare silos to train size... #GMO corn anyone?

Milwaukee Road - Hiawatha - Cedar Rapids, Skytop Observation Parlor Lounge Car north of Pontiac on 6/24/84

Clouds and Windmills

Milwaukee Road - Hiawatha - Cedar Rapids, Skytop Observation Parlor Lounge Car north of Pontiac on 6/24/84

One Christmas Decoration

Biggest grain silo / farm system I've ever seen! (look to left for a train for size perspective). #GMO anyone? ....everyone.

Ambler's Texaco Gas Station

Route 66

Route 66 Day Four 098 Cayuga Old Highway

Ambler's Texaco Gas Station

[6.19.2005]Route 66 Chenoa, IL to Wilmington, IL