Outta the fog, Into the Light

Winding down

Perfect View

Lake view


IMG_4179 Least Sandpiper - Calidris minutilla

Hood Canal

IMG_4193 Immature Tree Swallows

Nice view

Lake view

IMG_7029 Big Yawn

Moon chaser

11032013 060a Willet (Western) - Tringa Semipalmata

11032013 086a preen...

IMG_7031 Second-cycle Glaucous-winged Gull

A Harstene Island View of The Mountain

Ducks Eye View

IMG_8739 Tree Swallow

11032013 066a Willet (Western) Tringa semipalmata

IMG_5333 Common Yellowthroat - Geothlypis trichas

IMG_7030 First-cycle Glaucous-winged Gull

The long pier

Reclaimed wetland

Hood Canal tidal runoff.

The tides flowing into the Theler Wetlands

Days End

Nikon D7000 & Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8

Alderbrook Fireworks 7-3-13

Mt. Washington

Nearly 200 years old and still spinning

The Union River at low tide

Union WA Marina, Nikon D7000

Hood Canal Dawn

Thelar Wetlands Big Sky

Alderbrook Fireworks 7-3-13

Setting on relaxing times...

The Union River

Alderbrook Fireworks 7-3-13


Too heavy

Smooth Sailing