Coeur d'alene I.D.

Coeur d'alene I.D.

Winter Blues

Hayden Lake

Lake and sky. #cdaidaho

On this morning's #NextMile ride for @michaeljfoxorg, I surpassed 3000 @CharityMiles miles so far in 2014, and over 6600 overall. #EveryMileMatters #GetUpGetOutGetMoving

6.3.14 Huetter pair

Beautiful in cornflower blue

Smoky Sunset

The docks

With Alex, I biked 21.113 @CharityMiles for @MichaelJFoxOrg, powered by water, @URH2O! charitymiles.org #PDWarriors


9.17.13 Honeysuckle dawn

10.7.14 Moonrise on the prairie

Sunset in Coeur d' Alene


Coeur d'alene


Natural Frame Sunset

Between the Storms

8.26.13 Hayden Lake