Merry Christmas

Hayden Lake Panorama

Idaho Flower

Exterior view Woodland Family Dental Post Falls, ID 83854

White cosmos

Just waiting on a Friend...

Our view!

Post Fall, Idaho (Explored)

July 4th 2012 Firework

Hayden View sunset

A Dark & Wet Dahlia~

Sunset Blocked View

July 4th 2012 Fireworks

Lake Coeur d'Alene Sunset

Pale Yellow Sunflower

4th 0f july 2012

July 4th 2012 Fireworks

Amazing view from the #clouds today #winstagram #gramemall #washingtonstagram

July 4th 2012 Fireworks

July 4th 2012 Firework

Coeur d'Alene resort

Lake Coeur d'Alene

Leaning Into Winter

Farm Fence

Lake Coeur d' Alene from Coeur d' Alene Lake Drive

Coeur d'alene I.D.

Coeur d'alene I.D.

Hayden Lake

We have thought, O God, on Your lovingkindness, In the midst of Your temple. According to Your name, O God, So is Your praise to the ends of the earth; Your right hand is full of righteousness. * * Psalms 48:9-10 NKJV * * Wisdom for today from God! * * #

Beautiful in cornflower blue

On this morning's #NextMile ride for @michaeljfoxorg, I surpassed 3000 @CharityMiles miles so far in 2014, and over 6600 overall. #EveryMileMatters #GetUpGetOutGetMoving

Coeur D' Alene Sunset....

I took this photo last night at the Post Falls Dam! This photo has no editing at all. The colors are from the lighting around the dam and can be seen due to the long exposure. This photo was taken at f8 with a 15 second exposure at ISO 80 with my little C

The Mighty One, God the Lord , Has spoken and called the earth From the rising of the sun to its going down. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God will shine forth. * * Psalms 50:1-2 NKJV * * Wisdom for today from God! * * #wisdomfortodayfromgod #wi

Red Geraniums And Maple Tree - Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Shore Line

Smoky Sunset

The docks

Sunset Over Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Hayden Lake, ID

With Alex, I biked 21.113 @CharityMiles for @MichaelJFoxOrg, powered by water, @URH2O! charitymiles.org #PDWarriors

Cougar Bay from Tubbs Hill, Coeur d Alene, Idaho