UP 844 - Ames NE

Z.C.B.J. Hall (Rear View) - Linwood, NE

Z.C.B.J. Hall (Front View) - Linwood, NE

Carnegie Library (North Bend, Nebraska)

North Bend Nebraska, Lincoln Highway, Dodge County NE

Township Hall - Cedar Hill, NE

Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Cedar Hill, NE

Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Cedar Hill, NE

Z.C.B.J. Hall - Linwood, NE

Z.C.B.J. Hall - Linwood, NE

Z.C.B.J. Hall - Linwood, NE

Post Office - Linwood, NE

Rogers, Nebraska UNP Depot 001

Rogers, Nebraska UNP Depot 002

20160615 089 Rogers, Nebraska

20160615 090 Rogers, Nebraska

A. Lochner Hardware Store - Cedar Bluffs, NE

Bank of Cedar Bluffs Building - Cedar Bluffs, NE

Cormorants on a log

Pelicans and Cormorants

Picture time is over, we are leaving.

Pelicans and Cormorants

Pelicans and Cormorants

Webster Marker (Webster, Nebraska)

Old Webster Rural School (Webster, Nebraska)

Post Office 68036 (Linwood, Nebraska)