Bàgh Gheuso

DSC02839 Neist Point, Isle of Skye

IMG_8980 Sheep and llochs

does it not deserve celebrating?

IMG_9158 Loch Bharcasaig

It's just a trick of the light, Isle of Skye. 17

Neist Point @Isle of Skye

Neist Point, Isle of Skye

The Sentinel

Neist Point (Side View)

David vs. Goliath


End of another day.

View to Dunvegan Castle, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Neist Point and Neist Point Lighthouse, Isle of Skye, Scotland.

Isle of Isay - Scotland

Somewhere Over The Rainbows, Neist Point, Isle Of Skye

Stein eveningIMG_2145 aa

Neist Point

Bob Enjoys The View, Coral Beach, Claigan, Dunvegan

Neist Point Lighthouse in B/W (explore)

Neist Point Lighthouse - 2

Neist Point at sunset

Neist Point Lighthouse

Accentuated Point

Beacon Light

Neist Point Cliff

Neist Point, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Neist Point

To get a better view

'The Coral Beach' (see description)

Neist Point alternate view

Dunvegan Castle's Gardens, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Sunny sea view

Neist Point Lighthouse, Isle of Skye, Scotland

The golden cliffs of Neist Point

Dunvegan Castle

The Most Westerly Point

Neist Point Lighthouse - Skye - Scotland

Overlooking Stein IMG_2169