Nothing That Belongs to Us

Downtown Dallas

RGB 5.0

beats working for a living. 2012.

My Heart Stands Still Between Winter & Spring

Party Like it's $19.99

The tragedy is over. ..,

Downtown Dallas view of the Jail

Dallas Skyline

This Disembodiment

Oak Cliff view of Dallas sunrise

Dallas Skyline, Nighttime

Geocaching T-shirts

Dallas Skyline at Night

Dallas Skyline

Along the Santa Fe Trestle Trail

The tragedy is over. ..,

From Across The River

Reunion Tower view of Dallas

Top of Cedar Hill

Sunrise Hike to Cattail Pond-Cedar Ridge Preserve Oct 25 2014

Lake Cliff Park - Dallas, Texas

April Storm in Dallas

Dallas Awakens

Deep in the heart of Texas

Dallas - Bridge upon Skyline

Lakeside Seat

Dallas Skyline

Dallas Alive

Roy Orbison Said Something Once That I'll Never Forget

Dallas. 2014 Joseph Haubert

Breathless in the Face of Ruin

Afternoon hike to Cattail Pond - Cedar Ridge Preserve Nov 16 2014

Sunset in the Prairie, Cedar Ridge Preserve - Oct 8 2014

Sunrise hike to cattail pond - cedar ridge preserve Nov 4 2014

Amnestic Suggest