San Diego at Night

Gateway to Mission Valley

Sea Shadows

20071212 060

Sunday Morning @ San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge

Coronado Bridge

Downtown San Diego Skyline from Bay View Park in Coronado or why there is a Home Depot in Heaven

Flying over San Diego CA

La Jolla, California

Boulevard of Dreams (warning this photograph maybe hazardous to your health)!

Santee Lakes on the Winter Solstice With Sun Flare - Infrared

Downtown Blueberry Dreams

America's Finest City

Calla Lilly Gold

Delicate Dance (Egretta Thula), Snowy Egret

Coronado Bridge

View from San Diego Water Front park


Coronado Bridge


Reptile 2

Pacific Beach Pier, San Diego

Scripps Pier

The Evening Star

San Diego Coast

Sunbeams & Flare

Luci sull'oceano

Until the Last Moment

California Sunset

My Town

San Diego Sunset

Please Don't Cut This Tree Down

lofty beams

Alone in Teal

Laced in White

Broken Hill

SD Skyline BW

Pacific Beach

Aloe Veras and Scripps Pier

El Capitan Reflection

La Jolla Shores
