From Darkness To Light

Into the Unknown

Under the Shade Tree

Bridge Over Shallow Water

The Wonders of Nature

Hope - Explored

Bench With a View

Farm through Trees

High Water

Receding Waterline

Riverwalk on the Catawba River

Royal Star Magnolia - 3

Golf Carts Only

Afternoon Flight

Stormy Skies

House in a Bubble

Passion Flower

The Fence of Roses

Branching Out

Let There be Light

Rainbow in the Clouds - Explored

The Migration

Storm Over Barn

Secret Entrance

Beauty on the Banks


The Queen City


A Spring Scene at the Marsh

The path ahead

You are Here

Looking Around


Sunset Dec 29: the last ime we saw the sun until Jan 2

spring weeds by the fence

Lake Wylie 10-16-2010 12

Cats and Filter Play 4 108

Cats and Filter Play 4 105