Honeycomb Sunset

As Above So Below

Pacific Ocean - Sunset!

Close to the edge

Pacific Wave, La Jolla, California


It's still the Del Mar Fair to me!

Horseshoes II

Figure Eight

Wave Watchers

Washing Machine

San Diego County Fair

La Jolla Potholes

Warm Glow 10 stop ND

Soft Light

Feeding Water To The Ocean

M o d e r n D a y d r e a m

Ocean view

Riding the Aloe Rocket

Ocean Wave Splash

Leafy Sea Dragon

La Jolla Sunset

The Potholes

Scripps Pier

Stormy Sunset La Jolla

Moon Landing

Inspiration Point

Blue Cove

Aloe Vista

Cloudy Evening on the La Jolla Coast

La Jolla 389

B e l l a C a p r i

A Year Ago Today

Enchanted Sea

La Jolla Beach

The Pearl of the West

Lonely crow.

There may be no options left

"Approaching Pacific Storm"

San Diego Sunset