My First Stacking Picture

Upside Down (2013-03-12)

Horneburg – lädt zur sofortigen Weiterreise ein

Kitchen View

Selsingen - high street

Autumn - Light

Windmühle Selsingen

Sun rise (2)

Welcome To The Jungle... (Minolta X300s, Agfa Vista 400 exp. 2008)

the mist III

Orange sky

...behind the house.

What Up, Bridges (Minolta X300s, Agfa Vista 400 exp. 2008)

Creepy Creeping Fog

Sun rise (1)

Foggy Morning (2012-08, Olympus mju Zoom 115)

Exploding Clouds

Broken Fence (Ricoh R1, DM Paradies 400)

Across the field (Minolta SR-T 101, AgfaPhoto APX 100)

Beautiful Shed And Dramatic Clouds

Shortly before the rain (Minolta SR-T 101, AgfaPhoto Vista 200)

Duckpond 2012-05-16 (9) HDR

Evening Field (Minolta SR-T 101, AgfaPhoto Vista 200)

Duckpond 2012-05-16 (10) HDR

Sunny Cornfield

Canon EOS 6D_2014-01-12_IMG_0430-2