three rainbows (best seen in large)

the snail wire-walker

feeding the sun

the princess and the wheat bale

Gray day... (please, see large)

freshly cut field - have a great weekend....

the solitary sunflower

a fresh rose... see it large, please

the heart of a green flower...

absorbed in a HBW

little spider walking on a stem - best large

flares - bona revetlla i que tireu molts petards...

this is not a butterfly

detail of a sunflower

sunset at the railway (sooc) best large

the gecko eye

the cloud and the rays of light

the cross, the bell and the sunset

the sun after the storm.... have a sunny weekend

the colorful bug

sparkling heart - have a sparkling weekend ;)

La Torre Vella

La Torre Vella

Palau-sator Costa Brava

Fuego y viento / Fire and Wind


wheat is ready to harvest...

after the storm on the field of wheat

Elogio de la primavera / Praise of Spring

Platja del Portitxol. Empuries-L`escala

Cau el sol

El casament del riu Ter amb la mar Mediterrània

green wheat

Poppies near Palau-Sator

Santa Cristina de Corçà

Poppies near Palau-Sator

Arco de Portixol

... a la riba, o el recés de Caront ...

... The stone ...