Gray day... (please, see large)

Room with a view

three rainbows (best seen in large)

the princess and the wheat bale

Peratallada - Costa Brava

Carrer del Quintà (Púbol - Costa Brava)

a fresh rose... see it large, please

the solitary sunflower

the heart of a green flower...

"little" ladybug - hv a grt wknd...

Peratallada - (Explore)

Santuari dels Àngels.

Golden Hour

absorbed in a HBW

the cloud and the rays of light

little spider walking on a stem - best large

freshly cut field - have a great weekend....

flares - bona revetlla i que tireu molts petards...

Peratallada (NO HDR)

Field of wheat

Peratallada (NO HDR) Have a wonderful day my friends

Poppies near Palau-Sator

Poppies near Palau-Sator

Torroella de Montgrí


On top Montgrí Castle

Near Palau-Sator

Costa de Ampurias

Torroella de Montgrí

Herd of sheep


Rice fields near Pals

Near Palau Sator

Capvespre daurat !!

Torroella de Montgrí

El vértigo del mar.


Ἐμπόριον/Emporion/Empúries/Emporiae - Ciutat romana / Roman Town, Sant Martí d’Empúries.

Cotton sea.

Torroella de Montgrí

Parc naturel de Montgrí, des îles Mèdes et de Baix Ter

Camí de Bellcaire a Santa Caterina (Catalogne/Espagne)