1399 Girona

0716 Capvespre a l'estany de Banyoles

0108 Girona

Girona Old City

Streets of Girona (XV)

three rainbows (best seen in large)

the snail wire-walker

feeding the sun

the princess and the wheat bale

Gray day... (please, see large)

freshly cut field - have a great weekend....

capvespre a l'estany

the solitary sunflower

remembering the winter in girona

the heart of a green flower...

absorbed in a HBW

little spider walking on a stem - best large

El paso del tiempo.........(Serie)

Un pedazo de paraiso / A piece of paradise

the lonely tree and the ray of light

La casa encantada.......


Pesquera de l'estany

Pantano de Banyoles.

GIRONA.- Llac de Banyoles / Lago de Bañolas / Lake of Banyoles

Aigua a dojo II (salt d'Espolla)

the sun after the storm.... have a sunny weekend

Camp de farratges (Pla de martis)

wheat is ready to harvest...

after the storm on the field of wheat

Pujada de la Catedral (Girona)

Colors de primavera

Canon 1D Mark IV + Carl Zeiss 21 ZE

Girona Rooftops

Ja surt el Sol

green wheat

L'Alt Empordà sempre reneix de les cendres.