Final Lap

purple buds

Fast Food

golden calla

pink bougainvillea

sea nettle (explored)

HFF...Sunset Heron

dreaming of a princess (explored)

Winter Coat

gingko green (explored)

Sunset a little left of center...(Explored)

on the diagonal...

Deep Dark Secrets

Look, No Hands

Pollen-Laden Anther (male part of flower)

Western Grebe With Fish

Gone Fishing

Swear I hear the Ride of the Valkyries in the background...

Winging the Hunt


orange n blue...

Hazy Foggy Sunset

Morning Flight


Water Mushrooms

Long Beach, CA (Explore)

Long Beach, CA

If I were a duck this would be my runway...

orange dream...

California Dreaming

Hot chili sunset...

In Flight

Clouds over Long Beach

The difference between sunrise and sunset is the difference between loneliness and being alone...

Shades of a sunset 3

Sunset at the Point

Moody Blues...Time to Get Away

Summer Beach Sunset

DAY 161

