Showers Across County Down I

47 green bottles

honey bee on creeping thistle

honey bee on hellebore

honey bee on Prunus serrulata 'Taihaku'

honey bee on aubrieta

Through the Gate, Ardmillan, County Down

the view of Down Cathedral from Inch Abbey

dragon plant and lamp

lined up

Honey bee on Erica (possibly Erica lusitanica) 1/3

The farm on the hill

Morning view 08:00

our house

a seat or a perch?

Boxes, shovels and corner boys!

NOT a "Gothic revival/restoration stone church, square castellated tower with four corner spires", but Down Cathedral

Honey bee on Erica (possibly Erica lusitanica) 3/3

Mourne View

Grotesque and Ghastly Gothic or Soaring Spiky Spires?

hairs on a butt of a bee

Ballydrain Gatepost

It's Not Always Blue Skies...

Bridge over the Quoile

Cobalt Waters

The Lisbane Tree

Bohill Vista

Sunrise at Ballymorran

The Water Tower

The Mournes shrouded in sea mist

Losing My Religion

Cooling Off

Down Cathedral across the Quoile

Soft Strangford

Old Barebones

Ballyhenry light

Ballynoe Stone Circle

Give Me Some Breathing Space

River View

onwards and upwards

Rowallane Path