Florida to Alaska on Bicycle (#54) June 12, 1997: Mississippi River, from Iowa

American lady nectaring on red clover at Fish Farm Mounds State Preserve IA 854A6967

giant swallowtail & eastern tiger swallowtails at Fish Farm Mounds State Preserve IA 854A2221

Quite a view

Mississippi River


Black Hawk Bridge

Fireman's Friend

Grand View

Lansing, Iowa

Lansing, Iowa

Ferryville, Wisconsin

Black Hawk Bridge and the Mississippi River

For Sale

great spangled fritillary at Fish Farm Mounds State Preserve IA 854A4762

silver-spotted skipper at Fish Farm Mounds State Preserve IA 854A4726

little wood-satyr at Fish Farm Mounds State Preserve IA 854A4738

Compton tortoiseshell at Fish Farm Mounds State Preserve IA 854A4753

tawny emperor at Fish Farm Mounds State Preserve IA 854A4742

Lansing Bridge from Mt Hosmer Park

Mt Hosmer City Park

Mt Hosmer City Park - Overlook

Mississippi - Lansing Iowa

Capoli Slough Habitat Management Project

Living Water

Lansing, IA 10-21-16

Mississippi River Barge Panorama

Pool Slough IA 854A0306

Mississippi Bluffs

Lansing Bridge

sandhill cranes at Pool Slough IA 854A3006

Lansing Bridge over The Mississippi River

Bark I

North of Kains

Jerry Jarrett

Vessel on flat car

Misty Morning

Horses near Lansing, IA

Bridge, Lansing, IA to WI

Upper Mississippi River Valley