On A Knife's Edge

Getting Lost

© Art Braitman


cobweb spider (Theridion)

the Least & the Worm

orbweaver (Araneus cingulatus)

cluster fly (Pollenia [possibly rudis])

Dimorphic Macalla (Epipaschia superatalis)

rust fly (Chyliza)

grass fly (Subfamily: Chloropinae)

encyrtid (Cerchysius)

Winter Fields

soft-winged flower beetle (Hypebaeus oblitus)

aphid wasp (Tribe: Psenini)

Sharp-nosed Leafhopper (Scaphytopius acutus)

soft-winged flower beetle (Hypebaeus oblitus)

vinegar fly (Scaptomyza)

leaf beetle (Colaspis)

Red-tailed Hawk

the Humble House Sparrow


TSP Sunset

Facts Proven Wrong

Spring blooming is fast approaching

Fall Foliage in Tyler State Park

Buzzing Bee

Dragons and Angels - Драконы и ангелы

Neshaminy Creek

Neshaminy Creek, Pennsylvania

Core Creek Park, Langhore, PA

Gentle Giant

Crew on Lake Luxembourg

Sunset at lake Luxembourg

Core Creek in PA

Lost reflections

Silence Before the Storm

Smith Pond

The Dissolution

Last night at the lake...(HDR)

make a wish