Mr. Grasshopper

Send in the Clowns

the Autumn Land and Sky

Aren't I a Handsome Duck ?

The Thinker

© Art Braitman

Wood Duck Hen

Dragons and Angels - Драконы и ангелы

the Least & the Worm

Least Standing Tall

Mirror Mirror on the Wall....

Sunset Singer

a Natural Elegance

a Wooden Duck

Sparkling Wood Duck

Solitary Sandpiper

Lesser Yellowlegs

Let's Here It for the Ladies!

Chest Out for the Ladies!

Hen...sational !

Spotted Sandpiper

Falls (IR)

Up in fog - В туман

Devil's Pool

Prisoners of Our Own Device

Timeless Nature


Field of Dreams

Take a Walk.

After The Storm 180º Panorama - 5.15.18

sun goin' down on me...

Neshaminy Creek

After The Storm - 5.15.18

October Mist

The Sunset Tree

Dam on the Neshaminy Creek

Delaware River in April

You look tired my friend - Выглядишь усталым, друг мой

Fall Foliage in Tyler State Park

Inside Schofield Ford Covered Bridge