A Ducks Eye View

Lake Reflections

Steampunk Winch

Holland Creek 3D

seaspan Queen

The view from Mt Sicker

Chemainus beach

MacMillan Bloedel 1044 - trip to Chemainus Log Dump(c) - excerpt

Thetis Island Sunset

Chemainus, British Columbia

Cowichan Bay

Rolling Hills

Ladysmith Harbour

A Not-So-Roaring Stream

Ladysmith Steam Donkey

Holland Creek: More Rock Than Water

Transfer Beach Park

Cedar-by-the-Sea Panorama

House Lights Snow

View from the Slag Heap

good morning

Sandstone beach at high tide near Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada


where we were

The Boathouse

Davis Lagoon

Stocking Creek

Banon Creek falls and the Chemainus River

Nanaimo River Rapids

Nanaimo River

The Beachcombers 2

The Beachcombers 1

Country lane

Neon - Sony A200 with Super-Takumar 1:3.5 28 mm Prime

Douglas Fir Research Forest - 4 (of 5) - Olympus 40mm 1:2.8 Trip 35 (1967-84) with ISO 400 Fuji film

Fall under the sea at the shoreline Chemainus Vancouver Island

Stocking Creek Falls

Douglas Fir Research Forest - Blackberry Priv

Elliot Beach Park

Section of Holland Creek Trail - Sony DSLR-A300 with Tamron 28-200mm (45-320mm with crop) f/1:3.8-5.6 Zoom (with Fotodiox PK-Sony Adapter)