

Madhaweshwar Temple Darbhanga

Laxmeshari Tara Temple Darbhanga

Devi Temple Madhweshwar Darbhanga

Rudeshwari Kali Temple Darbhanga

Rameshwari Shyama Temple Darbhanga

Rudreshwari Kali Temple Darbhanga

black drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus)

Brahminy myna or Brahminy starling (Sturnia pagodarum)

Brahminy myna or Brahminy starling (Sturnia pagodarum)

Pied myna or Asian pied starling (Gracupica contra)

Sir Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit Univercity

Maharaja of Darbhanga Sir Lakshmishwar Singh

This car has travelled over 350000 KM! And inspite of a broken brake and gearbox, it's still running! It's the one and only Maruti 800 All Hail The King #Maruti800 #Surprising

Late night snacks Introducing Egg Roll #drooling #yummy #tasty

People chewing gutka even though they have lost half their teeth, smoking weed out in the open and driving bikes and cars with their brakes dysfunctional. Hell yeah I'm in Bihar #Bihar #Cow #Vacations #EveningWalk Ps: that cow attacked me after I clicked

Coming out of your house to play in an old abandoned stadium, this is something Mumbai misses. Open Grounds #Mumbai #Bihar #Evening #Cricket #Dirt

Twin Action!!


LHB Bagmati Express

Prabal At Darbhanga

Heritage Steam Loco Darbhanga