A commuter on the first train of the day from Kandy to Colombo takes a break from her reading to look out of the window. With such beautiful views outside, it must be a challenge to concentrate or study. The railway from Colombo to Badulla often appears i

Sinha wewa

වෙල් එළිය

Sun setting

The plain prinia (Prinia inornata)

වෙල් එළිය

Around Mirigama

දුර පෙනෙන තැනිතලා...

TATA 1313 Ruby bodied bus from SLTB Giriulla Depot

The purple heron (Ardea purpurea)

Una Vedi - 008

Una Vedi - 007

Una Vedi - 006

Una Vedi - 005

Una Vedi - 004

Una Vedi - 003

Una Vedi - 002

Una Vedi - 001

M2a 591 (on Trial run)at Ambepussa in 22.06.2011

20160528_9088 parade spectators

20160528_9089 religious procession

20160528_9090 religious parade

20160528_9091 suspended man

20160528_9092 suspended man

20160528_9087 religious procession



Brown-headed barbet