Cherokee Lake

Laura and Kelly enjoying the view in Tennessee.

2013.06.04.15 Grainger Co.

2390 miles later.. The eastbound leg of #roadtrip2014 has come to an end. And I am greeted with an awesome view from the deck of my family friends place.

Hamblen County, TN Courthouse - Morristown, TN

Hag Moth Caterpillar side view

Panther Creek trail


Cherokee Lake (1)


On the way to Morristown TN. Beautiful day and overlook. #travel

#sunsetlovers #sunsets


Sailboat adrift on Castaway Island


Orange Clouds at Sunset

Wildflowers on Bluff Mountain

Sunset on Cherokee


Hamblen County Docks

Approaching the Beach

On the Water

Crocodile Rock Cache

Bristol TN/VA April 2011

Bristol TN/VA April 2011