By horse-drawn carriage into the old town

Glorious Autumn

Morning Light

Rococo Fall

When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear. (Quote by Buddha)

Winter Landscape - Infrared

Autumn on the Alley

Frozen Environment - Infrared

Infrared - Heron Habitat

The 3 Benches

Comet C/2020 F3 (Neowise) Timelapse Compilation

Mercedes Benz E 350 CGI. ~ 'White Sox 1034 '

Mercedes-Benz SLK

Herrenberg Pulverturm

Solitude Castle & Surroundings

Abstract Architecture

The path less traveled...is often the best.

silhouettes at dawn 2

Autumn Reflections (HDR)


Frozen landscape

Wald im Nebel bei Weil der Stadt

Wald im Nebel

Letzte Herbstfärbung in Monakam

Rapeseed Rhapsody.....

Herbstfärbung bei Möttlingen

Sonnenaufgang am Pfaffensee in Stuttgart

Bärensee Panorama

Evening mood - Landscape with sheeps

Monbachtal im März

Monbachtal bei Monakam

Herbstspaziergang im Wald

Weg am Pfaffensee

Country road

Winter im Monbachtal

Herbstlicht · Autumn Light

...and the sun goes down...


Herbst Reflexion

Smell the summer

Evening mood

Im Monbachtal