Loggerhead Shrike

Altocumulus Lenticularis [EXPLORED]

Patriotic Geep

Cracked front View

Loggerhead Shrike

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-headed Woodpecker

American Goldfinch


Basilica Spider

Vintage Military Tractor

Rough-legged Hawk

Eurasian Wigeon

[93/365] what a way to go..

White-throated Sparrow

Backhoe Bucket

Uncle Dewey's

ACCC view_1037

ACCC view_1026

Summer Tanager

Lake Lenape

Intense Sky (high dynamic range) 09-25-13

Peaslee WMA

Tuckahoe NJ

Sunset at Wharf Road

Lake Nummy - Woodbine NJ

South River, Estell Manor

Tuckahoe WMA

boy fisherman silhouette

Mays Landing

Tuckahoe WMA Bog HDR

Lighthouse at Mays Landing_TM.jpg

Southern pine beetle - Pitch pine harvest

Shelf Cloud

Shelf Pano

Loggerhead Shrike at Corbin City-McNamara WMA

Lake Nummy with circular polarizer

Plundered Powerhouse

The Alley

Selective harvest