Little Yellow & Blue Mistflower

Pseudevernia consocians, Antler Lichen

Polytrichum commune (Common Haircap Moss)

From The Colors of Nature, Comes Natural Beauty

Red-shouldered Hawk

Lecanora caesiorubella, Frosted Rim Lichen

Laphria grossa

Spider as food

Jacks River & Benton Mackaye Trails (17 Jan 2014)

Shiny Flea Beetle - Asphaera lustrans

Eastern Phoebe

Wolf Spider on Mountain Laurel

Leucochrysa insularis

Porpidia crustulata, Concentric Boulder Lichen

Wolf Spider

Porpidia crustulata, Concentric Boulder Lichen

Lobaria pulmonaria (dry), Lungwort Lichen

Delaware Skipper - female

7704 - Imperial Moth

Machimus Robber Fly

Leucochrysa insularis

Lake Buckhorn - Ellijay, GA (Explored 8/8/2012 #311)

Don't You Think Simpler Is Better?

Goodyera pubescens (Rattlesnake Orchid, Downy Rattlesnake Plantain)

Carolina Wren

Jacks River

Nature's Artistry

Trees in Blue Ridge 5

Dusk at Lake Buckhorn

Blue Ridge Mountains

The road less traveled




Great Smoky Mountains




Jacks River Backpack - September 13-14, 2014

Bryant Creek.jpg

Shadow Falls