Three Bears Bluff Cabin.

Documentary Photos for BugGuide

View from Three Bears Bluff - Sunset After the Storm.

Wolf Spider - Varacosa

Pedicia inconstans

all I need

Grass Spider Guarding Egg Sac

From The Colors of Nature, Comes Natural Beauty

View from Three Bears Bluff - It's Coming.

Polytrichum commune (Common Haircap Moss)

Shiny Flea Beetle - Asphaera lustrans

Fiery Skipper - Male

Not a bad view

Variegated June Beetle

Machimus Robber Fly

Spider as food

Gilmer County

Mountain view triptych

Leucochrysa insularis

Eastern Phoebe

Porpidia crustulata, Concentric Boulder Lichen

Lake Buckhorn - Ellijay, GA (Explored 8/8/2012 #311)

Bryant Creek.jpg

Blue Ridge Mountains

Nature's Artistry

Great Smoky Mountains

Distant mountain through the trees...

Waking Up in Georgia

Toccoa Riverside

Down stream


Jacks River

The road less traveled

Springtime's Magic

Kell's Ridge Water

Carolina Wren

Cohutta Wilderness

Rich Mountain Wilderness

