Onion Farm

Parker Covered Bridge - Biggest and Best of Recent Trip

Ah the turbid creek Oak Run, putting the "drainage" in "Lake Erie drainage basin."

These Guys Again

C&O Classic

Why not ! A selfie & the view of my cab #freightliner #selfie #cre #atx #coveralls #trucklife #trucker

Ohio Bicentenial HDR

Turns 1 & 2

Press Box

Turns 3 & 4

The lordingly towering "Walton Agri-Service, Inc." grain elevators of downtown Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and adjacent bldgs.




Walking 'round a corner.

The streets are happening

House — Upper Sandusky, Ohio

James Roberts House — Upper Sandusky, Ohio

A Splash of Color in a Sea of White

Front Stretch

Between Sandusky River and Tymochtee Creek.

(2009-07-05) The Tree - 0083And8moreEnhancer

An entire flowerbed's worth of three different mulches.

Conveyors, National Lime And Stone, Carey OH

(2009-07-05) The Tree - 0020And8more

Pulling Out

somewhere in Ohio

Collier Park

Ohio Fall

Sandusky River