Grace Episcopal Church

Brock's Mill Pond

Front View, Jones County Courthouse

Brocks Mill Pond

Brock's Mill Pond

Neuse River Expedition Finished

Rolling East Through Clark

Loading logs on train Goldsboro Lumber Company North Carolina undated NARA95-GP-1490-Box0330_025_001_AC

Jones County Water Tower

Jones County Courthouse

Jones County Tire & Wheel Alignment

Old Jones County Jail

The Lost Coin

Trenton Missionary Baptist Church

Trenton Post Office and Federal Building

Trenton, North Carolina

Trenton United Methodist Church

Trenton, North Carolina

TurkeyQuarterHoney_Gray Whitley_0166_

Old House in Trenton, NC

056 Westbound through Cove City

056 Westbound through Cove City

Sunset in Cove City

NS 921 near New Bern